My game as of late has picked up a bit, playing about a ball better then I was a couple months ago which is nice to be improving. Something just clicked and I am pocketing balls and playing shape much better which makes it easier to keep pocketing balls. I took 2nd in the Kolbys Wild Ball this past Tuesday and played okay, getting up with my daughter at 7am each day makes it tough as the matches run late, finals was at about 2am and I had no gas left.
I played my first night of league pool tonight, it was okay, its UPA and its 8 ball on the big tables. I like 8 ball and the big tables sold me on it along with my good friend Jimmy Langston from Kolby's twisting my arm a bit. I played 2 guys practice matches to learn the scoring system. The 1st guy had to go to 2 games and myself since they rated me a 5 unseen going to 3, won that 3-0. The 2nd guy is a 6 so I have to go to 3 and he has to go to 4, I win 3-1.
I noticed most of the league players do not play well on the big tables especially the one we played on with 4 1/8 inch pockets, hanging and missing too many balls. I think it will be fun and we have a strong team, the strongest there and I think we are a lock to win this 16 week session. I am not a league player and kind of laugh at the league stuff and how serious they take it when I see them playing but its 8 ball on big tables and its a change of pace.
Well here are some pics of my Jerry R to drool over, take care.
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