Monday, December 7, 2009

I Took 2nd in Preacher Ronn's One Pocket Tournament

Well the last Saturday of the month is Ronn's one pocket tournament at Kolby's. I decided to play and was lucky to have help from Mitch Ellerman, Bernie Pettipiece and Preacher Ronn in the booth to do commentary while I played my matches. I had wins over Scott Frost, Mitch Ellerman, Bret Huth, Prescott Tom, and a couple other players.

I did do well, me and Scott played 3 sets in the tournament, he knocked me to the losers side hill-hill, we met in the finals and I won the first set 2-0 and the next set I lost hill-hill so we both won 5 games that day.

Regardless I was happy and Scott did think I was going to win at one point but I fired at a combo and made it but did not get a shot unluckily, I should have played out 2 rails to the center for a shot but I had a long day of one pocket and was fried and gave it my all.

I do plan on playing again at the end of this month, it should be fun. I just hope I get some help from the players with the commentary, made things much easier. Bernie actually is a very good commentator. I have been playing much better as of late and hope to continue improving in the game I love so much.

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