While I was there I got to play some one pocket with Bull and it was alot of fun,look forward to playing with him again.I also had the chance to play with a TAD cue,not one but with 2 for the first time ever and both in one day.One was owned by Ray Robles Aka Big Cat on AZ Billiards, his was a traditional maple cue with a phenolic joint,it hit very nicely.
The other was owned by JR Aka Getnbzy on AZ Billiards and his was a 4 point TAD with windows in the butt of the cue,this cue was gorgeous and was stainless steel jointed.It is my dream cue by far,you have to be lucky to own one of these $4,000 beauties.I got to play a race to 7 with JR and won luckily hill-hill,he played great breaking and running the first 2 racks.Here are pictures below of JR's TAD and then Rays TAD,click on the images to make them larger.
Fast Lenny

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